
How To Prepare A Medical Chronology


What is medical chronology? A medical chronology summary report, in simple terms, is a patient's medical history listed in chronological order. Information technology is a engagement-wise list of all the incidents concerning the medical history of the patient. Information technology includes the date and fourth dimension of the visit, details of the healthcare provider, the patient's injury, the treatment provided, the possible issues the patient would be facing in the futurity, a hyperlink to the referenced information, and the type of record.

It is besides a crucial part of any doc-legal example. A good chronology provides facts and sources adequate in a court, aiding you in winning your case. A medical chronology report is unlike when compared to other legal and medical documents. They are easily understandable to a wider audition who may not understand legal and medical terms. It helps anybody in the trial to understand the facts.

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Need for a Medical Chronology Report

  • Analyzing medical records for a personal injury claim is usually long, complex, and time-consuming for a normal-lay person to find the essential data in a particular example. Through medical chronology summary services, yous create a chronology report with all the pertinent information in brief.
  • A medical record is a study that incorporates medical jargon that cannot be understood by normal-lay people. This makes the trial a complex 1. Just in a chronology report, merely uncomplicated terms understandable by the attorney, jury, insurers, and all the people in the trial are used.

Elements of a Medical Record Chronology Report

How to write a chronology of events for the court? The chronological record of medical care plays a significant role in the case, especially in a personal injury claim. How to do chronology reports? In preparing a medical chronology, deciphering the medical and legal jargon from the medical written report and replacing them with easily understandable terms needs years of experience in the medical field.

A company providing medical chronology review service can help you create perfect medical chronology reports that help your legal team in acquiring your claim. The basic elements of a chronological medical written report are listed below,

  • Date of Injury (DOI)
  • Cause of the injury or illness
  • Medical history of the patient
  • Diagnosis or diagnoses
  • Treatment providers
  • Dates of handling
  • A treatment plan which would include diagnostic reports, prescriptions, and referrals
  • Prognosis or the likelihood of recovery
  • Permanent harm, if whatever
  • Time to come medical needs, if any
  • Data about prior likewise equally unrelated medical treatment, if any
  • Deciphering and summarizing notes and handwritten notes of physicians and nurses
  • The definition of medical terms tin be included in a medical summary for quick reference.

Medical Chronology Template

A sample chronology report provided by a company that provides medical chronology summary services


The given medical chronology template depicts the report prepared for a motor vehicle accident claim. The details of the accident, main complaints, and the concrete exam details of the claimant are reflected in the legal chronology template.

Steps to Prepare a Medical Chronology Report

How to prepare a medical chronology report? A medical chronology report is prepared by experts and companies that provide medical chronology services. While preparing medical chronologies, these experts follow certain methods that assist you win your claim. As a medical chronologist, follow the steps explained below.

  1. Be prompt:The commencement and foremost step in preparing a legal, medical chronology is to begin straight away without any filibuster. Facts play a key role in the written report. From the offset moment you speak to the customer, you showtime your preparation. Being prompt, you don't miss any data given to you lot by the client, as every piece of data given past the client is important. Some may seem unimportant at the beginning but will plow out to be the most pertinent information to win the case.
  2. Acquiring the medical records: The best manner to commencement preparing a medical case chronology report is by interviewing the customer. Only by speaking to the customer tin can you extract pieces of information. We must make up one's mind the medical records that could be required for this case. To make up one's mind information technology, you have to identify the healthcare provider the client has visited. After identifying the healthcare provider, they are requested for the medical records. In certain scenarios, if the client is a small or mentally challenged, the medical records cannot exist lent without the consent certificate of the client. If all the procedures are articulate, the medical records will be released by the provider.
  3. Bates numbering: At present that all the medical records are obtained, the companies that provide medical chronology summary services kickoff numbering the pages in the records. Each page in the medical record is numbered for the identification of data in the future for the trial. They also make sure that no information is missed. This numbering system is chosen the Bates numbering system in the legal field.
  4. List down all the facts: The adjacent pace is reviewing all the records thoroughly. Each of the medical documents is assessed, and the important facts are jotted down with the Bates number. By following this process, the information is documented in chronological order. In this process, a list of missing medical records, documentation errors, and medical record tampering will be highlighted. If any records are constitute missing afterward, the case may not continue to trial.
  5. Utilize of database software: In common, word-processing software is used to prepare a chronology report, whereas database software has numerous advantages over it. The most prominent advantage is that the database software automatically sorts the data provided and besides adds the day for every engagement entered past the user. It saves a lot of time and too helps in spellcheck. Providing all these features makes the process of documenting data in chronological gild easy.
  6. Include all the facts: Entering every fact is a must while preparing a medical chronology report for litigations such as personal injury or workers' compensation. Irrelevant to the importance of the fact, it is to be listed. Fifty-fifty facts that are questionable or disputed must exist added. Some facts may seem to take no consequence in the case; even so, they are to exist added. The value of a fact cannot exist adamant unless the case is over.
  7. Evaluate the facts: Once all the facts are listed past using the database software, the of import part in the process of preparing a medical summary report begins it's evaluating the facts. Each fact listed in the written report is evaluated for its relevance and validity. Now, the chronology study is a list of legitimate facts, consisting of the provider's proper noun, date, and fourth dimension of treatment, facts related to the case, Bates number, and hyperlinks that navigate to the medical record from which the information was taken.

The above-mentioned are some of the vital factors to be considered past a medical chronologist while preparing medical chronology reports for claims.

How to make your medical chronology report ameliorate?

Authentic and condensed medical chronology reports are prepared objectively and unbiasedly, providing all the necessary facts in an easily detectable format. However, while drafting the medical record summary and chronology, if you include the following, information technology will abet y'all in winning your convoluted litigation similar a slice of cake.


  1. Medical tape sorting/indexing:

Sorting out all the medical records pertaining to the instance is hectic because some lawsuits will have huge piles of medical records. Information technology will take many of your precious hours to search for your needed records. You should sort and alphabetize your records first. Properly bundled medical records volition help discern the inevitable bear witness crucial in personal injury, medical malpractice, or workers' comp lawsuits.

  1. Missing record identification:

More than reviewing the medical records, identifying the missing records is crucial to the cases. Missing medical records tin tremendously impact fifty-fifty stiff litigations, which tin exist won easily.

During your certificate evaluation, yous should collect the provider's name, the engagement of service, the next date, medical bills, and treatment gaps, which can then be compared to the accessible data. Following that, a thorough list of missing records tin can be created, including dates, provider names, record types, and their significance to case assay. Thus, it will assist yous to retrieve the missing records easily.

  1. Duplicate records extraction:

When y'all assemble the medical records, you may get different sets of records from various facilities. Sometimes, in that location are chances for many duplicate copies to exist mixed with them. The presence of multiple duplicate records might create confusion during the litigation process. Recognizing and extracting the duplicates will reduce the size of the bulky documents and besides avoid confusion.

  1. Handling timeline:

After reviewing all the records, gear up a treatment timeline. A handling timeline is a pictorial delineation of the pregnant events in the medical records in chronological gild. In a graphical representation of the chart, components such as the event name, the event date, and the facility/provider name are to be added. It's like a synopsis of the entire treatment undergone past the patient.

  1. Bookmarking:

Bookmarking ways giving the gist of all your contents in the form of a table for easy navigation. You can bookmark your records in unlike methods. You lot can form a chronological order of medical records based on the listing of providers the patient has visited or on the various medical tape types.

  1. Hotlinks/hyperlinks:

Hyperlink the references in the medical chronology report to the medical records PDF. By clicking the hyperlinks in the linked document, you can easily navigate to the needed pages in the original documents. Instead of shuffling through the mammoth of records for specific points, you tin access them with a click.

  1. Med-a-discussion:

Med-a-Word enhances the comprehension of medical terms appearing in medical chronologies and narrative summaries of deposition transcripts. Definitions will popular upwardly once the reader hovers the mouse over the desired medical terminology. This is a boon to all in understanding the baffling medical terminologies.

  1. Medical bill analysis:

The medical bills incurred by the facilities or providers for the plaintiff's treatment pertaining to the litigation are to be analyzed. Tape them chronologically in separate sheets based on the providers' names and types of treatment availed. From the records, you tin extract the treatment details and the amount spent. Note down the sum of the full cost of the treatment. If any corporeality is not related to the litigation, it likewise can be noted if required.

  1. Pain and suffering chart:

Like the special compensatory damages, not-economic damages similar pain and suffering, emotional distress, feet, and discomfort, which stem from the injuries, too take significance. Therefore, set up an interactive hurting and suffering chart with information on the patient'southward mental trauma and discomfort. This helps to convince the defendants or the insurance providers during the settlement.

The pain and suffering chart records the engagement, provider's name, primary complaints, location of the pain, and pain calibration. It too consists of the names of the pain medications taken and the dosages, prognosis, assessment, and treatment plan.

  1. Hurting medication chart:

The pain medication chart captures the list of hurting medications, the providers who prescribed them, and the dosage. The chart highlights whether the particular medication is advocated to relieve inflammation, hurting, or other injury weather. It also records any allergy or later effect in the patient due to the pain medication. Once y'all prepare that, you need non dive inside the ocean of records to check for the details whenever y'all need them.

  1. Medical synopsis:

Medical synopsis is specially formed to incorporate an overview of the precise medical history of the patient. It also points out the merits and demerits of the case to aid in winning the litigation. Preparing a medical synopsis would give the reader an overall idea of the case, even without referring to the original records.

Medical chronology reports prepared by adept medical tape review services would not be based on a medical chronology template. Instead, it would be customized based on the case.

Final Thoughts

It is a proven fact that the quality of medical chronology reports can change the destiny of a claim. Well-constructed medical chronology reports make a cracking departure in the trial. It helps y'all acquire your merits in a brusque span of fourth dimension, saving you from lengthy trials.

Precise medical chronologies with additional and special components like bookmarking, indexing, and hyperlinking would make your legal processes similar a walk in the park. Going through the sample medical chronology summary of LezDo techmed, y'all would have understood how to do a medical chronology report. Our medical chronologies are often pointed out by our clients every bit the perfect medical chronology examples.


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